Become A Member
Guys That Give is a dedicated group of local guys making an immediate, direct and positive effect in our community. It’s simple and effective.
At just one meeting, 100 giving guys cut a cheque for a hundred bucks and make a difference with a $10,000+ donation for a worthy cause right here in Barrie.
Do that four times a year and witness how over $40,000 can improve the lives of those in need in our community!
I agree to the following terms and commitments:
- Each member donates $100, four times per year– Plus one time $20 initiation fee.
- Total donation of $400 annually
- Recruit additional members when required
- Show up for at least some quarterly meetings to vote on the 3 non-profit charities presentations
- If not present for voting you are still obligated to donate your $100 and arrange for pre-payment